Anywhere Excellence

AUGUST is the 8 th  month of the year and numerologically the #8 signifies abundance, wealth and achievement…


For all of us at Bombax India, August 2022 was a month of reckoning in terms of the challenges and opportunities that presented themselves. For those of you that have been following our progress and reading our newsletters over the last 4 months, you will know that we have been attempting to “organise the disorganised” in rural India. This is because over 40% of our I.T. asset shipments originate or terminate in rural / remote India. Dealing with high value shipments (laptops / monitors / desktops / UPS etc.) that are transported over numerous segments (times that they change hands) is challenging in the best circumstances. So you can imagine how hard it could be to achieve pan-India excellence in a sector that is:

  • Fragmented and Regionalised – with different languages / cultures / topography
  • Inefficient – with limited air connections and poor road surfaces 
  • Disorganised – with challenges on-boarding, training and managing small / micro vendors
Well, I am extremely happy and proud to announce that our Bombax team has diligently pursued the mantra of “Anywhere Excellence” and achieved over 98% success in meeting Forward SLA’s even in remote areas of India!!!

High Performance : Sustained Improvement in SLA’s in rural / remote areas of India


How did we achieve this?

  • The Bombax Team – and their focus on providing world-class solutions (“Anywhere Excellence”)
  • The Bombax Supply Chain Model – connecting smaller airports with rural delivery hubs (RDH’s)

This model allows us to cut down the transport segments (handling at different stations) by over 25+%

In the charts below – we can see that incumbents use fixed line-hauls and have a minimum of 4 segments when servicing Rural areas whilst Bombax uses smaller regional airports to connect with RDH’s and are able to deliver in rural areas with only 3 segments! Example : Mumbai to Srikakulum (AP) movement.

The bombax model is able to:

  • Save time – 2-3 days for Forward Shipments and 5-7 days saved for RTO shipments
  • Reduce costs – 8+% savings on Forward Shipments and 13+% savings on RTO shipments
  • Increase efficiency – Bombax looks at the fastest and most efficient route optimization
  • Reduce loss / damage – Less segments = less handling = less errors = less loss / damage